



Changing the “Anonymous” Feature in the Portal

We’ve all seen it on the portal—you go to check who is on shift, and instead of seeing a name it’s simply several lines of “Anonymous!” This is a privacy feature built into the Better Impact portal that the Volunteer Department cannot override. It’s up to all of us to make sure that we go into our portal accounts and make sure that this feature is turned off. To do so, please follow the below instructions.

1. Log on to

2. Click on the MY PROFILE tab

Screenshot of ArtsQuest Volunteer Portal

3. Click on the “Contact Information” drop-down section of the tab.

Screenshot of my profile drop-down menu

4. If you scroll down a bit, on the right-hand side there is a box labeled “Privacy Settings.”

Screenshot of Volunteer Portal my profile section

5. It has three options, and please be sure to click and place a check mark in all 3 boxes. Then click SAVE.

Screenshot of privacy settings section
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